Baden-Württemberg: Vaccination-critical event in Freiburg relocated

Freiburg (dpa/lsw) - The city of Freiburg has banned the vaccination-critical event "Gallery of Horrors - Giving the Victims a Voice" on the central square of the Old Synagogue.

Baden-Württemberg: Vaccination-critical event in Freiburg relocated

Freiburg (dpa/lsw) - The city of Freiburg has banned the vaccination-critical event "Gallery of Horrors - Giving the Victims a Voice" on the central square of the Old Synagogue. The event against Covid 19 vaccinations should take place on Friday after a new registration on Europaplatz, as the city announced.

The exhibition has already been shown in other cities. A connection is made between the crimes of the Holocaust and vaccine damage. The choice of the location of the Old Synagogue for the exhibition and a possible speech by the initiator is an "unacceptable provocation", according to the city. The synagogue that was destroyed in the pogrom night of 1938 once stood on the square.