Bavaria: Ministry of the Interior and police warn against mischief on Halloween

Munich (dpa / lby) - Before Halloween, Bavaria's Ministry of the Interior and the Munich police warn against nocturnal mischief.

Bavaria: Ministry of the Interior and police warn against mischief on Halloween

Munich (dpa / lby) - Before Halloween, Bavaria's Ministry of the Interior and the Munich police warn against nocturnal mischief. Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) announced that there would be increased police checks in the night from October 31 to November 1. Halloween is "no license to commit crimes."

In addition, the politician appealed to people to take the Christian holidays - Reformation Day and All Saints' Day - into account. Those who want to celebrate Halloween should note that "All Saints' Day is a so-called quiet day, the protection of which begins at 2 a.m.," as the statement said. Halloween parties would therefore have to end at 2 a.m.

The Munich police pointed out that "for example, threatening people, setting garbage containers on fire, daubing house walls or traffic signs are not harmless pranks." This could endanger people or damage their property.