Bavaria: Police complain about unfit applicants in the sports test

TV commissioners have to be fit.

Bavaria: Police complain about unfit applicants in the sports test

TV commissioners have to be fit. They chase criminals and sometimes like to climb over fences and walls. Physical fitness is also important for police officers in real life. But not every applicant brings these with them.

Munich (dpa / lby) - According to the German Police Union (DPolG), every third applicant for the police in Bavaria fails in the sports part of the recruitment test. The test can be repeated, currently after six months, said state chairman Jürgen Köhnlein of the German Press Agency in Munich. Anyone who underestimated the challenges of the test can use the waiting time for training.

"Unfortunately, the times when the Bavarian police had seven to eight applicants to choose from for a vacancy are long gone," said Köhnlein. The police are in direct competition with the private sector and with other security sectors such as the federal police and the armed forces. In addition, in 2025, due to the switch from eight-year to nine-year high school, there will be a year without an Abitur. "That means a whole year without a large part of the applicants. Every loss caused by a failed sports test weighs twice as much."

Köhnlein considers the tasks to be feasible: "The sports test is not rocket science," he said. "It's probably more of a problem that you have to be able to call up your physical performance to the point." It's of little use just being able to lift a large number of weights or run fast. "The combination is important," advised the union boss.

For optimal preparation, the DPolG now offers the free mobile app "ready4COP". Young people could train with it in a targeted manner, explained Köhnlein. He explains that police officers have to be sporty with the physical exertion of the job. Fitness is an elementary part of everyday work and is considered a key qualification. "It is a prerequisite to protect the citizens and also to protect yourself."