Bayern: Auto drängt in Klima-Demo in Augsburg

Augsburg (dpa / lby) - At a Fridays for Future demonstration in Augsburg, a sports SUV pushed into the crowd.

Bayern: Auto drängt in Klima-Demo in Augsburg

Augsburg (dpa / lby) - At a Fridays for Future demonstration in Augsburg, a sports SUV pushed into the crowd. Police said on Tuesday that the driver in the Sept. 23 incident had just pulled out of a parking garage when climate protesters walked past. He was then pushed into the crowd with his SUV and, according to his own statements, turned off again after 300 meters. A steward slammed the hood to get the driver to turn back. According to the police, the driver then hit the folder, who was slightly injured. Media had previously reported about it.

As the organizers of Fridays for Future Augsburg announced, some people panicked. Some are said to have tried to stop the car. In addition, the police were only there after a few minutes. The police replied that the emergency services accompanying the demonstration were on the spot immediately after the incident.