Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Alcohol controls increased during the Advent season

Neubrandenburg/Rostock/Schwerin (dpa/mv) - Vehicle drivers from cars to bicycles to e-scooters have to be prepared for more alcohol checks in the north-east.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Alcohol controls increased during the Advent season

Neubrandenburg/Rostock/Schwerin (dpa/mv) - Vehicle drivers from cars to bicycles to e-scooters have to be prepared for more alcohol checks in the north-east. As a police spokeswoman said on Thursday, "Alcohol

Unfortunately, many still underestimated the influence of mulled wine on the ability to drive. Just one cup - maybe "with a shot" - can produce 0.3 per thousand and have strong effects. Not only drivers, but also e-scooter users would have to stick to alcohol limits. In the event of failure or an accident, as little as 0.3 per thousand could be considered a "crime". In 2020 and 2021, Advent markets and thus mulled wine stands were closed in many cities in the north-east due to corona.

Nevertheless, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is one of the main causes of serious accidents. In 2021, five people died in such accidents and 113 were injured, some seriously. In 2020, twelve people died in such accidents and more than 130 people were injured.