Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Fifth year of nursing training for Vietnamese

Rostock (dpa/mv) - For the fifth time, young Vietnamese are starting training as nurses at Rostock University Medicine.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Fifth year of nursing training for Vietnamese

Rostock (dpa/mv) - For the fifth time, young Vietnamese are starting training as nurses at Rostock University Medicine. On September 1st, 18 women and 5 men started their training, as a spokeswoman for university medicine announced on Monday. Due to the acute shortage of skilled workers, university medicine is urgently dependent on the support of colleagues from the Far East and spares no effort, be it with accommodation or support with language courses.

The program has proven itself over the past four years. After completing their training, the Vietnamese are free to stay in Rostock or return to their homeland. A large part has remained so far and the nursing trainees who have already completed their training are well integrated in the wards.

According to the information, 87 young people started training as nurses at the University of Rostock this year. That is significantly fewer than in the previous year, when around 100 new trainees were welcomed. "We are now clearly feeling the demographic change," explained Annett Laban, board member for care. "In order to counteract this, it is extremely important for our university medicine to continue recruiting nursing staff from abroad."