North Rhine-Westphalia: Corona infection as a work accident: officials complain

Can a corona infection be recognized as an accident at work? This question should be clarified by the Düsseldorf Administrative Court.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Corona infection as a work accident: officials complain

Can a corona infection be recognized as an accident at work? This question should be clarified by the Düsseldorf Administrative Court. Three officers have complained.

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - Three officers in Düsseldorf are demanding that their corona infection be recognized as an accident at work. The Düsseldorf administrative court will hear their complaints today (10:00, 11:30 and 13:30).

A primary school teacher from Hünxe (Az.: 23 K 8281/21), a senior teacher from Moers (Az.: 23 K 2118/22) and a tax officer from Remscheid (Az.: 23 K 6047/21) have sued.

They were all ill with Covid-19 and want their infection to be recognized by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as a work-related accident under the Civil Service Pensions Act. According to their statements, the plaintiffs are still suffering from the consequences today. One of them is said to have been on sick leave since the end of 2020.

The officials state that they became infected while doing their job: the elementary school teacher at a teachers' conference, the high school teacher with two students and the tax officer at a staff council meeting. The plaintiffs could have become infected anywhere, argues the defendant state of North Rhine-Westphalia.