Politics A first candidate for Podemos 'adds' to Díaz and expands the list of charges that defy the order not to go to the presentation

Podemos is turning against its refusal to attend the presentation ceremony of Yolanda Díaz's candidacy for the general elections

Politics A first candidate for Podemos 'adds' to Díaz and expands the list of charges that defy the order not to go to the presentation

Podemos is turning against its refusal to attend the presentation ceremony of Yolanda Díaz's candidacy for the general elections. Well, every day there are more members of the purple party who defy the internal order not to give their support to Sumar or announce that they will attend the Magariños sports center (Madrid).

For the first time, one of the Podemos candidates for the regional elections in May stands out from Ione Belarra and Irene Montero to clearly align herself with Díaz. This is Cova Tomé, the headliner in Asturias, who, although he will not be able to travel personally to Madrid because he has a crisis that "ties" him on those days, he did want to express his "affection" to the vice president and "wish her all the luck " at the beginning of this new stage.

"We can is not just a party structure, it is a desire to transform reality. We will be able and we will add," he said in a message on Twitter with a message to the national leadership, with which he has been in conflict since he was the only one non-government candidate who won the primaries.

In fact, that is why they have been making a vacuum since then while promoting the rest of the regional candidates. They neither invite her to the events nor give her coverage. On the contrary, they have expelled people very close to her from the party, such as Daniel Ripa, who was the last critical baron of Podemos, and who was one of the promoters of the candidacy that won the current Asturian leadership.

With Tomé, the list of people from Podemos who support Sumar or who will attend the event on Sunday is expanding. There are at least two regional leaders of Podemos who challenge their party and will be in Madrid: Borja San Ramón, coordinator of Galicia, and Begoña Alfaro, coordinator in Navarra. In addition, the Extremadura leadership is also going to send a representative, although it will not be its leader and candidate, Irene de Miguel.

The support of Juan Pedro Yllanes, who is vice president of the Balearic Islands and who has been the benchmark for the party these four years on the islands, has also been sounded. As he announced a long time ago that he is leaving the political front line, he will not repeat as a candidate in May. It will be Antonia Jover.

There are at least two former regional secretaries general who will also attend. Antón Gómez-Reino, who was a leader and candidate in Galicia and who is now a national deputy, and Nacho Escartín, who was spokesman in the Cortes of Aragón until last July and who continues to be an Aragonese deputy.

From Sumar they believe that there will be more territorial leaders of Podemos who will attend the event or who will express their support when the moment approaches. For now, Díaz has stated that she is "convinced" that "there will be many people from Podemos."

"I would love to be able to count on the general secretary of Podemos [Belarra], just like many other leaders are going to accompany me on the 2nd and who are going to accompany Sumar," he said in statements in Congress. "Everything begins on the 2nd. I think that in the moments that the history of a country can change, it should be there. I would do it that way," she remarked.

Regarding Podemos, he said that "there is no excuse for it not being there" and he stressed that Sumar is a "new project" that is a "citizen movement in which everyone fits". "The origins do not matter", he has remarked, to later make an "appeal" to the citizens and the political forces that "want it".

The internal fracture is visualized in a very graphic way in the parliamentary group of Congress, where today there is a fracture between those who are firmly aligning themselves with Díaz and among those who support the fight that Podemos proposes to condition their support.

That division leaves the parliamentary group split into two halves. Of the 33 deputies of United We Can, there are 15 related to Sumar, while there are another 18 who for now remain in the theses of Podemos. These figures come from the positions made by the organizations to which these deputies belong and from the pronouncements that some of them have made.

The members of the IU are with Díaz, almost all the commoners and deputies of Podemos such as Txema Guijarro and Gloria Elizo. In addition to the aforementioned Gómez-Reino. They are joined by Juantxo López de Uralde, who leads the Alianza Verde party.

In the European Parliament there are four MEPs who support Sumar against one, Idoia Villanueva, home leader. The support that Eugenia Rodríguez Palop is giving, who will go on Sunday, is especially relevant, since she is from the Podemos quota and was the headliner in the elections. Sira Rego and Manu Pineda belong to the IU and Ernest Urtasun, attached to the Los Verdes group, is part of the broad delegation of the commons.

If the deputies and MEPs are added -Unidas Podemos does not have senators- it yields a tie at 19 parliamentarians between pro Díaz and pro Podemos. A perfect fracture in every corner of the ring.

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