Telecinco Cristina Tárrega will present a new program on Mediaset, "without a script" and without knowing what will happen

Every day, a specific issue that Cristina Tárrega will face without prior knowledge, "without a script or information about what is going to happen on the set

Telecinco Cristina Tárrega will present a new program on Mediaset, "without a script" and without knowing what will happen

Every day, a specific issue that Cristina Tárrega will face without prior knowledge, "without a script or information about what is going to happen on the set." Based on this initial premise, testimonials from the public, interventions from home and guests on the set will be incorporated, which will make you feel emotional, surprised, outraged or have fun at the same time as the spectators.

With this approach, Mediaset España begins the production of La vida sin filtros, a new program that combines emotainment and talk-show, very much in line with the well-known Oprah Winfrey program in the US, but with the touch of Cristina Tárrega and the producer of Ana Rosa Quintana, Unicorn Content.

"Emotion, humor, the unpredictable and the surprising will go hand in hand in the program," says Mediaset. In each installment of La vida sin filtros, the program will address an issue that will be the backbone of its contents, which will be duly documented with information, news, and data by the program's co-host, journalist Carlos Garayoa.

The communicator Cristina Tárrega has accumulated a long career leading intimate interview and testimonial programs on radio and television, in which she has shone thanks to her spontaneity and carefree naturalness.

This new professional challenge in La vida sin filtros will offer him the opportunity to show once again before the cameras the empathetic and fun personality that has made him connect with the public for more than two decades.

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