Saxony-Anhalt: Nabu warns of the consequences of the fireworks: prefer central

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - The nature conservation association Nabu in Saxony-Anhalt has pointed out the disadvantages of the New Year's Eve fireworks for animals and the environment.

Saxony-Anhalt: Nabu warns of the consequences of the fireworks: prefer central

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - The nature conservation association Nabu in Saxony-Anhalt has pointed out the disadvantages of the New Year's Eve fireworks for animals and the environment. In addition to increased fine dust pollution and large amounts of waste, wild animals and domestic animals in particular suffered from the widespread New Year's Eve custom, the conservationists announced on Wednesday in Magdeburg. The loud noises and bright colors triggered a strong flight reflex in many animal species. Birds are affected, but the fireworks also lead to severe stress in other wild animals such as foxes, beavers and bats.

"The man-made panic costs valuable energy - energy that wild animals need to survive the cold season. Animal species that hibernate are particularly endangered," it said.

The Nabu advises: "Fireworks in the vicinity of wildlife and bird sanctuaries should generally be avoided. The same applies in the vicinity of bat quarters." Nevertheless, this does not mean an absolute ban on the New Year's Eve tradition. "Instead of private rocket launches, Nabu recommends fireworks organized centrally by communities."