Audiences Night of television heart attack: anguishing victory of Survivors against a Cover Night that wastes football

It had been a long time since there had been a night of television heart attack

Audiences Night of television heart attack: anguishing victory of Survivors against a Cover Night that wastes football

It had been a long time since there had been a night of television heart attack. La 1 and Telecinco decided this week to play it all or nothing with the premiere of Cover Night and Survivors 2023, respectively. And in the middle of everything a Real Madrid-Barça and a Joaquín Sánchez.

Well, there is already a winner, although not with as much glory as before: Survivors 2023 beat Cover Night and Joaquín Sánchez, but did so with the worst historical data for a reality premiere, 15.6%. A pyrrhic, but bittersweet victory, which puts the focus back on the audience crisis that Mediaset is experiencing.

Now, you have to be realistic, 15.6% on a football night, with another premiere in the competition and with the one that was the leader until last Thursday night, The penultimate and I'm leaving, is a sweeter victory how bitter

Cover Night, the new music program on La 1, achieved an 11.9% share of the screen, staying ahead, and by far, of Joaquín, who stayed at 9.4%, below double digits at lose 2.1 points, although it gained viewers to the program produced by Shine Iberia.

However, the fact that Survivors 2023 was the most watched program on a night of premieres and strong programs has not been the best of news. Although the gala surpassed the galas of the latest Telecinco reality shows, it lost 6.1 points and almost 700,000 viewers compared to the premiere of the previous edition.

The premiere of Survivors 2023 is the worst in the entire history of the format. Not even in its edition on Antena 3, where four editions were broadcast, did it have such a low audience figure.

Not only did it not reach 20% of other premieres, but it fell far short of two million viewers, exactly 1,621,000 viewers on average.

Even so, all is not lost because it must be taken into account that he was facing, firstly, football -the match achieved more than a 39% share- and then against Cover Night. We will have to wait for a Thursday without football and without more premieres to really know if Survivors 2023 is going to be the hope of Telecinco.

On the other hand, Cover Night that, although it manages to be the second option of the night, does not hit the bombshell that was expected with soccer as its predecessor. It remains at 11.9% of the screen share and 1,104,000 viewers.

It is true that it is one of the best premieres on RTVE so far this year and that it improved the channel's average by more than two points, but with a Real Madrid-Barça game before and with Miguel Bosé among the cast of the program, the data is is too short.

Despite this and with the audience crisis that the public channel is experiencing, which has not exceeded two digits of screen share for too many months now, the Cover Night data can serve as a breather.

The one who suffers the most from last night's television battle is Joaquín's documentary, leader every Thursday night and which yesterday was in third position losing more than two points of screen share. The reason was not only in the premieres of Survivors and Cover Night but last night El Hormiguero with Pacón León and Ernesto Alteiro scored only 11.1% because of football.

Even losing in screen share, Joaquín brought together more viewers than Cover Night, 1,114,000 on average, compared to 1,104,000 for musical talent.

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