Politics The PSOE finds it difficult for Podemos, ERC and Bildu to support its reform of 'yes is yes' and is committed to PP, PNV and Junts

In the PSOE they begin to resign themselves to the probability that they need the votes of the PP to be able to carry out their reform of the law of only yes is yes in the face of the "dead end" in which their dialogue with Unidas Podemos finds itself

Politics The PSOE finds it difficult for Podemos, ERC and Bildu to support its reform of 'yes is yes' and is committed to PP, PNV and Junts

In the PSOE they begin to resign themselves to the probability that they need the votes of the PP to be able to carry out their reform of the law of only yes is yes in the face of the "dead end" in which their dialogue with Unidas Podemos finds itself. The objective now is to be able to put together a broad front of parliamentary support for this modification in which, in addition to the main opposition party -with which, arithmetically, they would already exceed the absolute majority-, other investiture partners such as the PNV, Junts and even Más País, which would give more plural support to his initiative.

In the Ferraz headquarters, on the other hand, they recognize that it is difficult for them to reach an agreement to increase the penalties for sexual crimes with ERC and Bildu, who have also supported the Government on essential issues such as the approval of the Budgets, and they begin to be pessimistic also regarding the purple formation. Even so, they insist that "what is desirable" would be to agree on a joint solution with the Ministry of Irene Montero to stop the reductions in sentences for aggressors, which already exceed 500 cases since the regulation came into force.

«Communication with Podemos existed before, it exists today and it will exist tomorrow, moreover, not only because we are partners in the same government, but because when the PSOE presents a bill in the Congress of Deputies it knows perfectly what its position is: 120 seats. Therefore, to approve it, you have to speak and dialogue, "said yesterday the spokesperson for the majority party in the bicolor Executive, Pilar Alegría. "It's nothing new, we've been doing it since 2018," she added.

For its part, Ione Belarra's party warned yesterday that they are still waiting for their partners to call them to negotiate the changes of the only yes is yes. His co-spokesman, Pablo Fernández, called it "incomprehensible" that "it seems" that the PSOE wants to resort to the votes of PP and Vox to recover the Penal Code that was in force when the multiple violation of La Manada that occurred in 2016 was tried. reports Europa Press.

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