"I have to do this": climate activist sticks in court

The member of the "Last Generation", Henning Jeschke, is actually on trial for resisting law enforcement officials.

"I have to do this": climate activist sticks in court

The member of the "Last Generation", Henning Jeschke, is actually on trial for resisting law enforcement officials. But during the process he glues himself to a table and appeals to have to talk about the climate emergency. He is carried out of the hall together with the table.

A scandal broke out in the trial of climate activist Henning Jeschke. The founding member of the group "Last Generation" jumped up in the middle of the hearing at the Tiergarten district court in Berlin today and stuck himself to the table in the hall.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you again. I'm sorry I have to do this. I can't help it because I care about the rule of law. I have to do this because we put the world in this way see great danger like never before. I got stuck here at the table. I have to do it because we have to talk about a climate emergency," the 23-year-old shouted loudly in room D107.

He also referred to the recent food shortages due to bad harvests in Great Britain and that there will also be further price increases and famines in Europe. Meanwhile, more oil and gas wells would be developed and the wealthy would try to retreat to bunkers. He demanded that the climate destroyers "people who just keep building the whole shit in their private jets" be held accountable.

Jeschke filmed himself during the action and streamed the video live on the Internet. The judge left the room and alerted court officials, as can also be seen from the material posted online. These should detach the accused. The audience had to leave the hall. Finally, Jeschke and the table were carried out of the hall into the waiting room.

The process is about several actions by the group "Last Generation" in the period from March to June 2022, in which he is said to have participated. The public prosecutor's office in Berlin accuses Jeschke of coercion, resistance to law enforcement officials and dangerous intervention in road traffic. Penal orders were issued for the climate activist to pay a fine. Because he objected, it came to trial.