Next call for help from Dubai: ex-member of the ruling family worried about security

Zeynab Javadli has been fighting for custody of her children for almost three years - and loses.

Next call for help from Dubai: ex-member of the ruling family worried about security

Zeynab Javadli has been fighting for custody of her children for almost three years - and loses. Her ex-husband is a member of the ruling family. During this time she was mistreated and harassed, she says and asks the UN Human Rights Council for help.

After the alleged kidnapping of Princess Latifa, Dubai's ruling family made headlines again because of another member's call for help. Zeynab Javadli, ex-wife of a family member, has called in the UN Human Rights Council to ensure her own safety and that of her children, according to the BBC. An Emirati court had previously awarded her ex-husband, Sheikh Saied bin Raschid Al Maktum, custody of the children. His uncle is the Emir of Dubai and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Javadli accuses the Emirati authorities of abusing, harassing and intimidating her in the nearly three-year custody battle. In a video released by the BBC, the 31-year-old from Azerbaijan says: "My children and I are scared and fear for our lives and our safety." She therefore does not dare to leave the country for fear that her three daughters could be taken away from her. According to the information, they are staying in a hotel in Dubai.

Javadli's call for help is not the first from Dubai's ruling family. Princess Latifa, allegedly kidnapped by her relatives, once turned to the British broadcaster BBC with a video. In it, she said she was being held in a villa like a prison. In an attempt to escape, she is said to have been forcibly returned to Dubai in 2018.

Earlier this year, the daughter of the Emir of Dubai said she was doing well. Photos on the Internet showed them traveling in Europe. However, there are still doubts about the portrayal of her life in freedom and self-determination.

An ex-wife of the emir also fled to London and fought a custody battle there. Princess Haja stated that she had received death threats in Dubai. Earlier this year, the London High Court awarded her sole custody of their children.