After mock referendums: Occupied territories should quickly join Russia

It can't go fast enough for them.

After mock referendums: Occupied territories should quickly join Russia

It can't go fast enough for them. After the sham referendums in four occupied areas of Ukraine, the occupiers want to apply directly for union with Russia. The international community has already rejected recognition.

After the sham referendums in the occupied areas of eastern and southern Ukraine, the separatist leaders want to apply to Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin for membership of the Russian Federation this Wednesday. "Citizens of the Luhansk People's Republic have chosen a bright and prosperous future," separatist leader Leonid Pasechnik told the Telegram news service. The Zaporizhia region will also turn to Putin with a request for admission, said occupation representative Vladimir Rogov.

On Tuesday, the occupation administrations deployed by Moscow also spoke in the areas of Donetsk and Cherson after the ballots, which were criticized as a violation of international law, of great approval for accession to Russia. The mock referendums, which have been held for five days since last Friday amid widespread international protest, are not recognized worldwide because they were held in violation of Ukrainian and international laws and without minimum democratic standards. Over the past few days, observers have pointed out numerous cases in which residents of the occupied territories have been forced to cast their votes.

After counting all the votes, 99.2 percent of the voters in Donetsk agreed, said the occupation administration there. According to Russian information, it was more than 98 percent in Luhansk, more than 93 percent in Zaporizhia and more than 87 percent in Cherson. An unprecedented wave of annexations is now expected to begin.

Before the start of the sham referendums, Putin had emphasized that the areas would be completely under the protection of the nuclear power after incorporation. It's about protecting millions of people, Putin said. He threatened Ukraine to use "all available means" to repel attacks. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the sham referendums as a "farce". He announced that he would liberate the occupied territories. In doing so, he relies on the heavy weapons of the West.