Atopic dermatitis, basic care for a skin with problems

This week the day of atopic dermatitis has been celebrated. The word "atopy", of Greek origin (topos = place), means "what does not take place, strange or

Atopic dermatitis, basic care for a skin with problems

This week the day of atopic dermatitis has been celebrated. The word "atopy", of Greek origin (topos = place), means "what does not take place, strange or weird". And certainly the name is very well put because there are still many unknowns on this chronic disease that affects around 5-20% of the population.

Symptoms can be mild, from excessively dry and itching leather to very painful eruptions that even prevent carrying a normal life. Atopic dermatitis can remove your sleep, literally.

Our skin is a cover for our body. It works like a barrier that, with its cells well-gluttered one another, prevents allergens (such as dust, mites) including viruses or bacteria to penetrate within us. In the person with atopic dermatitis there are gaps between the cells and the "bugs" or the irritant agents can be cast at a party that does not correspond to them.

The bad news is that right now there is no cure and for many people it is a chronic problem. The two good news are that some children outweigh atopic dermatitis when they grow up and that can be treated, always from the hand of the dermatologist. The experiments, with gas.

Then resolve the top 10 of the most frequent doubts about atopic dermatitis:

One of the greatest risk factors are the background. If parents have or have had atopic dermatitis, there is a risk around 30% that one of their children suffer from the disease. And if both parents have presented it, the risk increases to more than 70%. Although the reality is that until now, according to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, a single gene related to this disease has not been found. It is important to continue investigating this topic.

David Strachan proposed this theory in 1989. According to him, infections in the tender childhood due to little hygienic contacts with older siblings or children's school peers can prevent atopy. In short, what to do small "guager" can come well. On the contrary, it seems that the increase and indiscriminate use of antibiotics can contribute to a higher prevalence of atopic diseases

Yes, clothing plays an important role in the evolution of this disease. Dermatologists advise that, both underwear, bedding, and, in general, all clothes in contact with the skin (also that of relatives in contact with the child) is preferably made of cotton, avoiding woolen tissues and of synthetic fiber.

Yes, it is recommended to wash before to eliminate the irritating action of the formaldehyde that is used in the maintenance of tissues. You have to use non-detergent soap or mild detergent and avoid softeners. It is also very useful to eliminate the labels of clothing that, according to dermatology books generates a "chronic friction phenomenon on the skin". Come on, they pican it's nice.

Unfortunately not. Today, today there is no protective diet. You just have to exclude food if you see a clear relationship between ingestion and outbreaks. In this case, allergy tests should be done.

Yes and no. Dogs have a protective effect while exposure to cats is related to higher risk and exacerbation of atopic dermatitis

Yes. The temperature, humidity and radiation affect the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. The cold increases the irritability of the skin but on the other hand the heat is also harmful: it causes greater sweating, changes in the pH of sweat, greater alkalinity and, therefore growth of bacteria.

With respect to moisture, low humidity and dry climates accelerate the loss of water in the skin. On the other hand, UV radiation, always with caution, can cause symptoms less serious in some patients.

Yes. The places with high levels of environmental contaminants are those who make podium in the prevalence of atopic dermatitis due to their irritating or allergizer effects. It must be borne in mind that some pollutants vary with the seasons of the year and are also associated with climatic variations.

Yes, although stress is a little considered factor and is not usually taken into account, it can influence the exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. Stress causes glucocorticoids that can prevent ceramides from being synthesic, cholesterol and fatty acids. That is, the components that the skin needs to be able to make a barrier properly.

There are people who think that as the skin is very dry can help bathe less. However, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is useful to take a bath or a shower every day because bath removes bacteria and other skin germs. And this is very good because many people with atopic dermatitis are prone to contract skin infections. Important! It is not worth any bath. It is a controversial issue but at present these are the keys:

Date Of Update: 21 September 2021, 14:53