Baden-Württemberg: Municipal council decision: Ludwigsburg gets a light rail system

Ludwigsburg (dpa / lsw) - Ludwigsburg should get a light rail system.

Baden-Württemberg: Municipal council decision: Ludwigsburg gets a light rail system

Ludwigsburg (dpa / lsw) - Ludwigsburg should get a light rail system. The municipal council decided on a corresponding application on Wednesday with a large majority, as a spokeswoman for the city announced on Thursday. At the same time, an application was made to the responsible special-purpose association to start planning for the light rail.

Several routes for the light rail are to be rebuilt and extended in several construction phases by 2032. According to the information, the commissioning of a first part is planned for 2028. A special-purpose association with the surrounding communities is taking the lead in planning. Large parts of the project are expected to be financed by the federal and state governments.