Bavaria: car crashes into family car: six injured

Essenbach (dpa / lby) - A 15-year-old was seriously injured in a collision between two cars in the Landshut district.

Bavaria: car crashes into family car: six injured

Essenbach (dpa / lby) - A 15-year-old was seriously injured in a collision between two cars in the Landshut district. Five other people suffered minor injuries. According to police information from Saturday, a 24-year-old driver turned off a federal road near Essenbach onto the access road to the A92. He overlooked an oncoming car from a family with five occupants on Friday evening. The vehicles then collided. The 24-year-old's car was thrown against a vehicle waiting at the motorway exit.

The family, consisting of the 51 and 56-year-old parents and three 14-, 15- and 17-year-old children, as well as the 24-year-old came to hospitals. The waiting driver was not injured. The junction was closed for almost four and a half hours.