"Farmer is looking for a wife": The air is already out in Thuringia

Michael N.

"Farmer is looking for a wife": The air is already out in Thuringia

Michael N. comes around the corner with the water hose, Arne takes out the cheese and Erik soon finds himself in front of a large heap of broken glass: Amor has his hands full above the roofs of the farmers who are longing for love and attention.

Similar to more revealing dating formats, "Bauer sucht Frau" is also very reluctant to put things on the back burner. It doesn't matter if the sky is full of violins or if the first gray clouds are gathering somewhere on the horizon: When emotions boil up, only an immediate confrontation usually clears things up. After the initial trouble in paradise with nurse cow owner Jörg and his Patricia, hobby farmer Erik in Thuringia is now suddenly in a hurry.

In the early morning, the farmer is still in good spirits. After a fourfold espresso for the host and a "Children's Penguin" slice for the lady-in-waiting Julia, it's off to the goose pen. Once there, however, the frustration of the lack of attention soon erupts. According to Julia, Erik shows "far too little interest". The farmer is completely perplexed and quickly becomes glassy-eyed during the emotional frontal attack of his increasingly nasty-looking lady-in-waiting: "Julia's words and points of view hit me badly and hurt me," sobs Erik, who likes to cover up his shyness with a funny saying. A clarifying conversation leads to no result - and so the farm week in Thuringia comes to an abrupt end that none of the participants expected.

You don't notice anything further west from the thunderstorm in East Germany. Neither at Pferdewirt Ulf in the far north nor at young farmer Max in the Palatinate are there any problems. But on the contrary. While Ulf and his Anna Lina discover a lot in common while looking after antique tractor models, Max and Anna enjoy their first day off with a bottle of wine and tender hugs.

Cattle farmer Michael N. in Lower Saxony is also in a good mood. Very fundamental questions arise here early in the morning: Who is pulling? Who lets up? Both ladies-in-waiting cut a fine figure during the hearty sawing fun at the lumberyard. In the afternoon, when caring for the calves, Christine, Mandy and the farmer, who is always ready to have fun, go the extra mile. Instead of the calves, all bipeds are suddenly soaking wet. With the water hose at the ready, the courtship triangle romps around in the pasture. "Don't mess with us power women!" laughs Christine.

It will be a while before the first water games are held at Loretta, master horseman in northern Baden. The passionate Harley driver made her decision in the presence of chief matchmaker Inka Bause and now welcomes the two single candidates Sascha and Michael to her yard. Cheese maker Arne from Lower Saxony is a little further on. Court lady Antje gets off one bus stop too early. But that has no effect on the joy of seeing each other again, which at some point, after what feels like an "infinite wait", ends in a loving hug somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

Arne and Antje don't want to let go and enjoy the moment to the fullest. With Papa Andreas at the wheel of the lovingly decorated tractor, the two lovebirds then go to the farmer's farm, who immediately introduces his lovely maiden to all his curious cows. After a short tour of the farm from a lofty height, Arne also scores points in his parade discipline, the cheese platter presentation. It is well known that love should (also) go through the stomach.