Hesse: Three injured in an accident on Autobahn 5 near Bensheim

Bensheim (dpa/lhe) - Three people were injured in an accident on Autobahn 5 in southern Hesse on Saturday.

Hesse: Three injured in an accident on Autobahn 5 near Bensheim

Bensheim (dpa/lhe) - Three people were injured in an accident on Autobahn 5 in southern Hesse on Saturday. According to the police, a driver had to brake in the left lane between the Bensheim and Zwingenberg junctions due to traffic. A following car drove up. The car in front was in turn pushed by the impact onto a car driving in front of him. Both the 29-year-old driver of the car, who drove up first, and a 52-year-old in the front car and his 51-year-old passenger were injured and had to be taken to the hospital. The autobahn had to be completely closed for a short time and was reopened around noon. The police estimated the property damage at around 50,000 euros.