Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Greifswald gives a cloth diaper subsidy of 100 euros

Greifswald (dpa/mv) - When buying cloth diapers, the city of Greifswald will in future give a subsidy of 100 euros.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: Greifswald gives a cloth diaper subsidy of 100 euros

Greifswald (dpa/mv) - When buying cloth diapers, the city of Greifswald will in future give a subsidy of 100 euros. The citizenship decided on Monday evening that adults with a corresponding medical need and children are entitled to support in the form of a voucher. The aim of the step is to reduce the amount of waste. Several media had previously reported.

Disposable diapers make up around ten percent of a municipality's waste on average, according to the resolution proposed by the CDU city parliamentary group, which was passed by a majority. Disposable diapers are neither recyclable nor will they rot in the foreseeable future. A child produces around one tonne of diaper waste over the course of its "nappy life".

According to the information, more than 100 cities nationwide grant a subsidy for the purchase of cloth diapers. The amount is between 30 and 300 euros. A starter pack of cloth diapers costs several hundred euros.