Saxony: Eight injured in two accidents in Saxony

Zwickau (dpa/sn) - A total of eight people were injured in two car accidents on slippery roads in the Zwickau area on Sunday.

Saxony: Eight injured in two accidents in Saxony

Zwickau (dpa/sn) - A total of eight people were injured in two car accidents on slippery roads in the Zwickau area on Sunday. According to the police, a 54-year-old woman skidded her vehicle on federal highway 173 in the direction of Zwickau, crashed into a guardrail and then crashed into an oncoming car in which a man, a woman and a two-year-old child were sitting. All four suffered minor injuries. The police estimated the damage at a total of 15,500 euros.

In an accident on State Road 293 in the Zwickau area, a car also skidded and collided with a vehicle in oncoming traffic. Here, too, smoothness probably played a role, said a police spokeswoman. According to the information, two people were in each car, all of whom were slightly injured. The total damage is 44,000 euros, as it was said. The police could not provide any further information about the accident.