Thuringia: damage to the Thangelstedt manor house is repaired

Blankenhain (dpa/th) - The German Foundation for Monument Protection supports the restoration of the historic staircase of the Thangelstedt mansion in Blankenhain.

Thuringia: damage to the Thangelstedt manor house is repaired

Blankenhain (dpa/th) - The German Foundation for Monument Protection supports the restoration of the historic staircase of the Thangelstedt mansion in Blankenhain. According to the foundation, which is contributing 20,000 euros, this also involves repairing damage caused by vandalism. The building, located in the center of the Gutsdorf in the Weimarer Land district, represents a special type of building, the foundation explained. He orientates himself on castle construction and shaped estate villages in central and northern Thuringia from the middle of the 17th century to around 1800.

The manor house is now one of more than 520 objects that the private foundation for monument protection has funded in Thuringia alone - thanks to donations, income from its trust foundations and funds from the lottery Glücksspirale.

At the Thangelstedt mansion in Blankenhain, stones from the enclosure have disappeared, holes have been drilled in the clay tile floor and doors have been damaged. All modern surfaces would have to be removed and restored. In addition, baroque wall and wooden frames are to be restored and damage to wood repaired. The building was built in the 1680s for the Weimar council and huntsman Christoph Friedrich von Thangel.