Baden-Württemberg: Southwest clinics warn of staff shortages

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Not only nursing staff have become rare on the job market, according to the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Society (BWKG), it is also becoming increasingly difficult to find assistants.

Baden-Württemberg: Southwest clinics warn of staff shortages

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Not only nursing staff have become rare on the job market, according to the Baden-Württemberg Hospital Society (BWKG), it is also becoming increasingly difficult to find assistants. "The shortage of staff in the care facilities is now running through all areas," explained BWKG boss Heiner Scheffold on Monday with a view to the results of a survey among the managers of care facilities. Accordingly, 68.8 percent stated that they had difficulties in finding nursing assistants.

According to Scheffold, demand will continue to rise. Nursing assistants are becoming increasingly important, especially for elderly care. Therefore, new approaches must be taken to recruit them. "A transitional period is needed in which long-term experienced assistants without exams are considered qualified assistants," demanded the Südwest-Kliniken. At the same time, training must be intensified.