Baden-Württemberg: Strobl: Pistorius "real bright spot"

Fellbach (dpa / lsw) - "Traffic lights for disputes" and an occasional "yellow flashing light": Southwest CDU leader Thomas Strobl hardly has a good hair on the coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP in his party's political Ash Wednesday Bund left - with one exception: Defense Minister and SPD politician Boris Pistorius.

Baden-Württemberg: Strobl: Pistorius "real bright spot"

Fellbach (dpa / lsw) - "Traffic lights for disputes" and an occasional "yellow flashing light": Southwest CDU leader Thomas Strobl hardly has a good hair on the coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP in his party's political Ash Wednesday Bund left - with one exception: Defense Minister and SPD politician Boris Pistorius. He has known him for a long time from his time as interior minister in Lower Saxony, said Baden-Württemberg's interior minister Strobl. "After his predecessor, Boris is a real ray of hope. This is also shown by the fact that he recognizes and recognizes clever ideas."

As an example, Strobl cited the Federal Minister of Defense's statement that he considered a debate on general compulsory service to be "valuable". "He has my full support. We put this on the agenda in the CDU Baden-Württemberg back in 2018," said Strobl, adding: "We support the Federal Minister of Defense on this and other issues. The CDU is on Leave, dear Boris Pistorius."

Again and again Strobl spoke of the Berlin "dispute traffic light", sometimes a "yellow light" flashes. FDP leader and Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner promises solid balance sheets, but does the opposite every day. "The real drivers of inflation are in the federal government and unfortunately in the Ministry of Finance."