Chicago suspect plots attack for several weeks - US Police

Police say that a man who is suspected of attacking six people during a 4th of July parade in Chicago had planned the attack for several weeks.

Chicago suspect plots attack for several weeks - US Police

Police say that a man who is suspected of attacking six people during a 4th of July parade in Chicago had planned the attack for several weeks.

According to law enforcement, Robert Crimo III (21 years old) legally purchased the powerful rifle that he used in his attack.

Officials added that the suspect was believed to have dressed in women's clothing to flee the scene with the fleeing crowd.

A total of 30 people were also hurt in Monday's shooting at Highland Park’s Independence Day parade.

Chris Covelli, Lake County Major Crime Task Force spokesperson, stated that multiple firearms belonging Mr Crimo were found - all of which were purchased in the area.

Police also found the weapon used in the attack and a second rifle inside the vehicle of Mr Covelli, Mr Covelli stated.

Police claim they are still gathering information on the shooting. The suspect gunman is accused in the shooting of having fired more than 70 rounds.

Officials from law enforcement stated that victims were chosen at random and that no evidence suggests that the attack was motivated racial/religious hatred.

Police believe that Mr Crimo was able to blend into the crowd and walked to his mother's house, where he drove off in her car.

The suspect was driving his car when police stopped him. Later that day, he was found with a second gun similar to the one used during the attack.

Police said that more firearms were also found at Mr Crimo’s house, but they did not give any further details.

Authorities are still considering whether to bring criminal charges against Mr Crimo. They believe that he acted alone.

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