Company. Olivia Gregoire: Pensions are an "essential reform", and "we will make it happen", Olivia Gregoire

Olivia, a spokeswoman for the government, stated Wednesday that pension reform is essential and she would do it "because we need to fund major priorities", in particular "the question of autonomy and dependence".

Company. Olivia Gregoire: Pensions are an "essential reform", and "we will make it happen", Olivia Gregoire

Olivia, a spokeswoman for the government, stated Wednesday that pension reform is essential and she would do it "because we need to fund major priorities", in particular "the question of autonomy and dependence". Gregory.

"The President of the Republic was forcefully reminded of the reason for this reform," explained the Secretary of state at the Council of Ministers. He stressed that the "objective of the reform", as promised by Emmanuel Macron during his presidential campaign, "is not being blocked on the topic of the legal age, which is neither a taboo nor a totem".

Emmanuel Macron wore the pension file during his presidential campaign. It is crucial and promises to be one the most delicate parts of the new government.

After the failure of the first five year term's reform, the second attempt at lowering the legal retirement age to 62 years old comes with an extra carrot: The president promised that all retirees would receive a minimum pension equal to 1,100 euros per month and adjustments at 65 for certain long careers or arduous jobs.

It is not enough to placate the unions who already protest the reform two years after striking to paralyze transport in the country.

"It's a reform we're carrying out to make it easier to finance social progress in the country and better support our fellow citizens," she stated in her report to Council of Ministers.

Future reform financing for the next five year term

The spokesperson stated that the objective of the reform on pensions goes beyond the subject of pensions. She also said that there was a reason for this government to finance reforms over the next five years (...),, including reform of dependency but more importantly health reform and other related reforms. She added that "We refuse (them), by raising taxes, and we refuse (them), by leaving the debt to future generation."

These choices will lead to pension reform with the dual goal, which is set forth by the President to the government, both to pursue the objective of full-employment and to meet the needs of all of us. The spokesperson said that it would take a while to get there.