Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: CDU parliamentary group disappointed by the federal relief package

Schwerin (dpa/mv) - From the point of view of the CDU in the Schwerin state parliament, the third relief package from the federal government in view of the sharp rise in prices is a real disappointment.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: CDU parliamentary group disappointed by the federal relief package

Schwerin (dpa/mv) - From the point of view of the CDU in the Schwerin state parliament, the third relief package from the federal government in view of the sharp rise in prices is a real disappointment. Group leader Franz-Robert Liskow criticized that one-off payments were planned for population groups that were simply forgotten in the last package. With the new local transport ticket, commuters who rely on the car got nothing.

"There is no relief from the high gas costs, nor is there any relief from the exorbitantly high fuel prices since the end of the tank discount, nor is the price of electricity being re-regulated," Liskow complained. The working middle of society should hardly be relieved and many entrepreneurs would face existential problems. "We need an energy price cap that limits the costs for gas, electricity and at the pump."

The traffic light coalition had agreed on a third support package worth more than 65 billion euros. Retirees should receive a one-time energy price flat rate of 300 euros, students and trainees 200 euros. A reduced price should apply for a basic consumption of electricity. The goal for a new nationwide public transport ticket is a range between 49 and 69 euros per month. The standard rates for the needy and the child benefit should increase.

The association of business associations sees many measures that can have a relieving effect if they are implemented promptly. It remains unclear how energy-intensive small and medium-sized companies in particular can be helped to obtain reliable liquidity, said Managing Director Sven Müller. "Extended credit programs and extended guarantee frameworks do not go far enough." As soon as the concrete form of the package is available, the association wants to discuss the necessary supplements for the state with the state government.