Saxony-Anhalt: Bingo jackpot cracked: Millions won in the district of Stendal

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - With bingo, Lotto's environmental lottery, a player in the Stendal district has become a millionaire.

Saxony-Anhalt: Bingo jackpot cracked: Millions won in the district of Stendal

Magdeburg (dpa/sa) - With bingo, Lotto's environmental lottery, a player in the Stendal district has become a millionaire. He hit the jackpot. As the only participant in all seven participating federal states, the lucky guy managed a triple bingo on Sunday evening, as Lotto-Toto Sachsen-Anhalt announced on Monday. That is, three times five numbers in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row were correct. The profit is 1,014,518.50 euros, as it was said. The bingo ticket cost 3.60 euros and was bought in a lottery shop in the Stendal district.

"In Saxony-Anhalt, around 23,000 bingo tickets are played every week - around 5,000 of them in the Altmark district of Salzwedel and in the district of Stendal," said Lotto Managing Director Stefan Ebert.