Tomorrow is the future. To promote long-term rentals

At the heart of the Strasbourg-Hautepierre business incubator, Commown's logistics team is busy reconditioning devices as well as preparing, for client-tenants, mobiles, PCs, fixed computers, tablets and headphones.

Tomorrow is the future. To promote long-term rentals

At the heart of the Strasbourg-Hautepierre business incubator, Commown's logistics team is busy reconditioning devices as well as preparing, for client-tenants, mobiles, PCs, fixed computers, tablets and headphones. "Manufacturing is one of the most harmful phases in the electronic equipment's life. Celine Haefele is the coordinator of the cooperative society in public interest and the coordination project manager.

This logic means that the Commown catalog has a lot of space for Fairphone, smartphones made from more than 40% recycled plastics and minerals from countries that have not been affected by conflict or prohibited child labor. Celine Haefele insists that these models are robust and easy to repair. It's a good thing, too! Commown's twenty employees chose sustainability over the planned obsolescence of electronics giants in order to renew sales.

Celine Haefele says, "We only rent long-term devices because we want them to be used as much as possible to reduce manufacturing costs."

Currently, Commown leases approximately 2,700 devices to businesses and individuals in France (aswell as Germany and Belgium). The rates of the device are decreasing over time, and Telecoop subscribers receive reductions. The Alsatian entity formed, with seven other cooperatives in 2021, "Licoornes", a network that promotes alternative consumption.

The contents of the file

Everything is possible, nothing is lost

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To promote long-term rentals

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