Baden-Württemberg: Formation of a rescue lane works better now

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - On the motorways in Baden-Württemberg, the formation of a rescue lane now works better.

Baden-Württemberg: Formation of a rescue lane works better now

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - On the motorways in Baden-Württemberg, the formation of a rescue lane now works better. Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) said in Stuttgart: "Our intensive efforts - whether in traffic prevention or traffic monitoring - are now having an effect." When it comes down to it, things work much better today than they did a few years ago, and people form a rescue lane. "But every single case in which emergency services get stuck in traffic is one too many. It costs valuable time, which can make the difference between the life and death of an accident victim."

By the end of November, 483 violations of the obligation to form a rescue lane had been processed. In 2021, the central fine office at the Karlsruhe regional council counted 664 violations on the federal motorways in Baden-Württemberg, the Interior Ministry said.

Since the dashcam was introduced by the police in the south-west in June of this year, a total of 167 emergency lane violations were documented using this technology by the end of September.