Bavaria: Head of the community day concerned about social cohesion

Neunburg vorm Wald (dpa / lby) - Bavaria's municipal council president Uwe Brandl fears increasing dissatisfaction and radicalization in the population.

Bavaria: Head of the community day concerned about social cohesion

Neunburg vorm Wald (dpa / lby) - Bavaria's municipal council president Uwe Brandl fears increasing dissatisfaction and radicalization in the population. "Against the background of the current situation - Ukraine war, energy shortages, the economy sliding towards recession, renewed mass influx of immigrants and galloping inflation - I have great concerns about the social and democratic cohesion of our society," he said on Wednesday at the Bavarian state assembly Municipal day in Neunburg vorm Wald, also in the direction of Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU).

The coincidence of several crises acts like a fire accelerator, according to Brandl. "Many people in the country rightly feel left behind and misunderstood." The development of energy costs amplifies this. Of an equivalence of the living conditions one could "not begin" to speak. The head of the community day appeals to politicians to work towards equality of living conditions. "This is a constitutional mandate!"

Brandl advocated the end of the planned gas price allocation and at the same time called for the gas price brake to be implemented quickly. He called for the rapid expansion of the power grids, especially the lines from north to south, as well as cooperation for energy production via special-purpose associations from municipalities and districts.